Our unique process

Your world becomes our world when we envision and create inspired original artworks for you.
Inside the Circle

Our Unique Process

Just as our artwork is unique, so is our process. We begin by sitting face-to-face with our clients, taking the time to understand them as soul-to-soul. This inspires us to create rare and soulful artworks which are a reflection of who they are, and the legacy they wish to leave.

Unlike other stone artists who build on-site for months, our efficient pre-built model means we fully build your unique creation inside our studio.

Contact Us

Inspired art and the art of healing are one and the same. There is no separation.
Naomi Kunert

Completed in our studio delivered to your site.

We build your creation inside our studio, minimizing interruption at your job site. Once delivered, installation usually takes only one day.
fireplace sketch
Pencil design of 18’ tall natural stone fireplace commission.
Two-ton sandstone blocks from the quarry being shaped with a hydraulic chainsaw.
Hand chiseling detail into the block of Valdes Island sandstone.
Sandstone blocks taking shape in the carving shed.
Placing stones into the mosaic detail below the mantle.
In the studio, stone is rising, starting to take form.
The last stones are being set into place 18’ up in the studio.
Our award-winning ‘Memories Surround Me’ fireplace is completed in the studio and is ready to be transported 450 miles to Spokane, Washington for installation.
Installation day as we lift the completed lower section from the low-bed truck.
Lowering the completed lower fireplace section onto the foundation blocks, within the framed walls of the new house.
Lifting the completed upper fireplace section from the transport truck.
Start to finish, the completed fireplace commission was set within the walls of the clients’ new home in three hours. It is ready for the contractor to continue building the home without interruption.
Detail of the installed commission.
Memories Surround Me ready for the client to enjoy within their completed home.

Client stories

It was not only a beautiful fireplace but an unbelievable sculpture that fit so perfectly into our bedroom and our cabin setting that it was as if the cabin had been designed around this great piece of nature.

Gregory & Joan Patton | Mesa, Arizona, United States

Andreas & Naomi Kunert created the perfect complement to this home and its spectacular environment. I will enjoy this extraordinary work and the story it tells for many years to come.

Craig Russell | Director Walt Disney Imagineering | Los Angeles, California

Choosing and working with 50 ton pieces of stone, the artist must also accept responsibility of care and due diligence. Andreas does so with utmost professionalism.

Professor Richard A. Conroy | Visual Art and Design Department Malaspina University

Each rock is placed, almost guided, until magically a masterpiece is created, reflecting the very essence of the client.

Dr. and Mrs. J.D. Fitterer | Spokane, Washington, USA

Congratulations! The beginning of an end and the end of the beginning of a life long journey

Karen Barrett | International Admissions Director University of Saskatchewan

Let’s discuss your vision

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